miércoles, 7 de enero de 2009


Los bracitos extraños que inventó para sus muñecos de los Power...bbrrrrr!!
Strange little arms that he invented to his Power toys....brrrrr!

Hermoso, artístico, dulce y muuuy raro...
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2 comentarios:

caroline dijo...

He is so smart in his supersute :-) and so kreativ :-) even if its weird....
How are you Gime? We shouled talk! :-)
love caroline

Megs dijo...

you're a creative artist already Felipe! No wonder, with your wonderful Mama!
Gime m' darling, my phone number is +1-206-595-5705
it is going to be so amazing to hear your voice, i'll probably cry! last time i heard your voice was when i called you on Felipe's 1st (and my 36th) birthday!

besos besos besos y abrazos abrazos abrazos,